

The message that I am communicating in my project is the idea that there is a generation of people living on this world that are born into a universe where we depend on technology and electronic equipment to get us through everyday. The people living in this generation are named ‘Generation Z’. I have looked at the work of others to draw inspiration from. Artists such as Damien Hirst and subculture movements like steampunk have inspired my project. However the Internet, history and evolving, inspired a large proportion of my work. I am fascinated by the growth and eventual death of the human race. Therefore I wanted my design to explore this idea. The bag that I have created is designed for people who are willing to make a statement with their looks and people who are the fashion innovators. The print I have used is moderately subtle but the message and graphic is a conversation starter. The image that I used is off a baby inside the womb, I decided on this image as it represents a new generation, a new life and a new start. The colors I used in the picture are typical pink tones that reflect the ones of a womb. I then had the idea to layer a microchips data base on top of the baby and cut around it to it appeared to be traveling through the baby’s unborn body. The colors of this were a lime green shade that allowed the image to take on a much more electronic and futuristic vibe.  I also made several other designs, which included a mobile phone in the womb which was an ironic, humorous statement about giving birth to actual technology and a baby scan picture that had been exploited even before birth by being used as a window’s computer background. Out of these designs I chose the one, which showed a more apparent message, as I want my audiences to identify with it more. I then got to actually making my bag; this step was really simple as I inserted my image onto my bag by using a heat press. This process was simple and quick. After this I got onto the promotional stage of my bag. I had an idea in my head for a still life campaign/editorial shoot, which included my bag lying inside a broken keyboard. I wanted this to signify the destruction of the technological age and the ending of a world relying on Wi-Fi and electricity to get us through the day. I then made several smaller but publicly effective promotional images to market my message and exploit my idea. I done this by photo shopping my image on top of a billboard and a giant advertisement bag. I also wanted to show that my image had a deeper more cultural message so I decided to create a magazine cover for well known controversial magazine ‘TIMES’. I thought this magazine was perfect for my image as it is a magazine that deals with the problems and the troubles in modern day society, politics and culture.
The tactics I have used in my image are ones of shock and exploitation. I really wanted the person on the receiving end to stop and think for a minute about the actual day and age that we live in. I also think that the image is shocking as it shows an inside of a womb, a baby in naked and unborn state being objectified to the modern age of technology. In my personal opinion I believe that my bag idea is would work aloud better as a piece of art or an image on a magazine instead of a design on a bag. However I do think that the image looks good on a bag and is wearable for those willing to convey a message and a strong style in their look. I mostly like the image because of it’s simplicity, although the image is not vibrant and doesn’t explore multiple images, lettering and color, I still think that it is a design that has a bold message and a bold finish. Probably my most favorite thing about this is my message, I think it is a unique message that nobody really thinks about or publicizes. My only downfall of this design was that the image was subtle in contrast to where I could of went with the image.  I had such a strong theme that I could of allowed myself more creative freedom to do what I want.. The ending product was still really good and allowed me to work with it and was great to style and make into an editorial which I really like.

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