
Meaning behind the Message -

For this project i will be focusing on the technological age. I will explore the idea of the internet taking over the world and our traditional values and lifestyles.  Anther concept which i find interesting is the idea of 'generation Z'. I find it fascinating that there is a generation of youth living in our planet that have not experienced a life without relying on technology to do the simplest of things.                                            
I will use my bag that i am creating in order to confront this idea and draw attention to the technology and its eventual take over.
I will be looking at the different ways in which technology has slowly began to take over the world we live in. A concept i am interested in is the internet and how we rely on it to solve our problems, communicate with others, share and express our feelings, thoughts and inspirations.  I will also explore internet addiction and how there are many people, mostly youths and teenagers, who are reliant on the internet and social media websites such as  Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter in order to feel ' right' or 'complete'. Many teenagers feel they can not go a day without logging into the internet or using social media websites.
I want to create a 'shocking' image that combines the human birth process and being born into the technological age. I will also look at the millennium shut down and how we are being took over by technology and how it will one day cost us the world.

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