
Banky's Environmental message

This banksy image is a environmental message which comments on the turn off of chemical pollutants. Banky's work is often confrontational and comments on political and taboo subjects such as climate revolution , war and politics. This particular piece shows a small child reaching to turn off a switch which we are lead to believe supplies nuclear power. It is significant that there is a child reaching for the switch as it symbolises  conserving the planet for the next gerenation and looking after the planet for the new age.

This image entitled 'Pledge to the Plastic Bag' shows three children pledging allegiance to a tesco bag.  English children do not pledge allegiance to their flag as this is an American tradition , so this is banksys way of stating that England is turning into a substitute of America as it giving in to US consumerism.  This image also shows the generation of tomorrow worshiping the corporate giants.

This image shows 'Death' rowing a boat in a murky river. This is to comment on the state of which the worlds water recourses are in at this moment in time. This is to also comment on the pollution caused by oil spills , littering and disregard of the world.

This piece is an ironic commentary on human evolution. It shows a monkey wearing a sign saying 'laugh now but one day we'll be in charge'. This is to comment on the fact that we once where monkeys and we have evolved since but many of our ideology and our views are still as 'dumb' as they where when we was in ape form. It is clear that Banksy is trying to explore evolution through humour.

This last image shows Dorothy (from The Wizard of Oz) having her basklet searched. This is to comment of national security and a country left in fear. This image is thought provoking as it shows Dorothy  , who is seen as an innocent country girl , getting her basket searched for criminal evidence while her dog is looking on from her side. This image shows the breakdown in modern privacy but also the increase in social security.

From these pictures we gather that there is a clear theme of environmental and political opinions in Banksys work.

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